Sunday, November 23, 2008

Where Process Meets METHOD and MADNESS-Kurt

When process and method are discussed, they tend to be used interchangeably. However, while they are two sides to the same coin, they are different. Process is a naturally occurring or designed sequence of operations or events over time that produce desired outcomes.
Process contains a series of actions, events, mechanisms, or steps, which contain methods. Method is a way of doing something, especially a systematic way through an orderly arrangement of specific techniques. Each method has a process.
From a realistic standpoint, a design method is concerned with the “how” and defining “when” things happen, and in what desired order. Design Methods is challenging to implement since there are not enough agreed-upon tools, techniques and language for consistent knowledge transfer. Two people can therefore use the same method and arrive at different outcomes.

"Method" is the careful, systematic way that something intelligent is done. "Madness" is the strange, meaningless action of a crazy person. There is "method to one's madness" when what looks like strange and meaningless action (madness) is actually the result of a carefully reasoned plan (method). Example: "Give me a moment to explain; there is method to my madness." [This idiom comes from Hamlet by William Shakespeare, Polonius speaking: "Though this be madness, yet there is method in it."] Example: "We thought he was crazy to do it that way, but it turned out that there was method to his madness."

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