Sunday, November 9, 2008

Rosalind - Senses

It is extremely important to use your senses in the design process, sight summarizes things, lets us give them names by looking at the surfaces, touching is very immediate and feeling allows intimacy and thought about the object, when we smell we distinguish the basic possibility of the description of things and hearing is what is happening. All of these senses start you on the journey of possible design solutions.

Research and design in the field of human-product interaction has long focused on products visual properties. Nowadays it is acknowledged that the emotional and aesthetic experiences and understanding of products are determined by perceptions and sensations resulting from all our senses.

Using our senses in the development of designs has been the main reason to why some brands have become so hugely popular. Designs in brands have become more interactive due to their use; the public has been able to build a relationship with them.

So Bruno Munari was definitely on the pulse when he made this statement.

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