Sunday, November 2, 2008

Gemma: The Thinking Hat

Coffee Company Logo

The Six Thinking Hats, as Bono suggested, ‘separates ego from performance’. In this Case, each hat labeled with a colour represents a metaphorical approach into different ways in which we as designers can, and most often should, look at our design work in practice.

Similarly, this creative thinking process can be adapted to multiple design jobs and their processes. A good example of which is the Pirate Bay Coffee Company Brand and Logo design created by the Logo co.

Initially in this design process, the WHITE hat was most evidently used. Here the client
 made suggestions as to how they wanted to logo to look, its size as well as implementing the target audience. They stated, “The company logo should be fairly symmetrical so as to not run over when labeling coffee bags and hot sauce bottles. It is here where the designers gather and retrieve all the necessary information to being ideas and thumbnails for the design.

The BLUE hat plays a role in this next stage where the designers find a direction towards the project. They commence a brainstorming session and may ask the client for additional information. Logo co use a minimum of 2 designers per project to give the client maximum creative options.
The third stage adapts use of the GREEN hat where creative alternatives are design for the brief. Logo co then developed a range of possible creative design solutions for the Coffee Company and put them down as a hard copy. Logo co explains that ‘selected logo designs are then provided to the client for viewing and they can provide any revision instructions for each of the designs.

Then the RED hat comes into place, where at this stage both designers and clients work together to think more subjectively about the possible design solutions presented. In relation to the coffee company, the client was ready to move forward after they provided revision instructions and also any supporting material like sketches etc.

The fifth stage involves revising concepts as a design team and then revising concepts to the client. This stage plays on using the YELLOW hat to depict the upside of developed designs. Logo co as well as their client uses this hat to think positively and logically about the designs, why it will work, its benefits and values.

Finally, the client ill respond to the discussed logos and the adjustments are made accordingly to their liking, for example, the Pirate Coffee logo was broken down to two different solutions, the client picked one and then asked if the type could be adjusted to give the same emphasis. The BLACK hat is used here to take caution at this stage. Here designers and clients must always think logically to be sure the final solution is the right one.


1 comment:

stacy said...

post shows a good understanding